Kristin Xu

Contact Details
DDI: 09 638 2568
E: [email protected]
Kristin Xu
Finance Manager – 财务总监
Kristin joined apm in the winter of 2015 and quickly became one of the core strengths of both the Administration and Chinese teams working behind the scenes.
Graduating from University of Auckland with a Commerce degree – majoring in Finance and Accounting, Kristin spent the next seven years in the hospitality industry developing her skills working with one of New Zealand’s pre-eminent collection of hotel brands. Combining this high level customer service with her extensive experience in finance and accounting fields makes Kristin a highly valued member of the team.
Kristin loves working with numbers. She is extremely principled and has a good work ethic. She knows New Zealand taxation very well, and is very much at home in the accounting fields. Not only that, she also has a strong affinity with investors stemming from her own strong passion for the property industry.
Kristin 2015年加入奥克兰物业管理公司这个大家庭,是中国团队幕后的核心力量。
Kristin热爱财务工作,具有极强的原则性和良好的职业素养, 她熟知新西兰本地税收系统,凭借7年多的丰富工作经验,她对各项财会业务驾轻就熟。不仅如此,她还具有很强的亲和力,人际交往能力、沟通能力和表达能力强,可驾驭中英双语及上海话,让您轻松愉快的体验零距离物业资产管理。